A Study on the Architectural Plan Composition of Creative Learning Behavior Change - Focusing on the high school curriculum changes -
The purpose of training personnel with a balanced blend of creativity and personality that is implemented in earnest in 2010, character education policy. This study finds creativity educational spaces and the characteristics of the arrangements and architectural planning in the departmental system - designed high schools. The competitiveness in the future society depends on raising men of creativity and personality who mix various studies and technologies, come up with new knowledge and value, and have ability to communicate and accomplish harmony with global society. Following this tendency Korea revised 2009 general framework for curriculum in order to provide the groundwork for creativity education. The purpose of the study is to find out the influence on how the space organization of the school affects the students’ creativity and personality. For creativeness, the communication among schools, classes, students, teachers, communities deserves consideration. The place for communication is a source for creativeness that is not limited to physical places. These are the future schools where people can have access to any information and the schools are connected to their community and society. Therefore, in the present study, practitioners to design applied to constantly 7th, 8th primary education curriculum classroom type school plan creative learning space according to the curriculum classroom type school building at 2009 revised curriculum through research and analysis of classroom type school curriculum. The main purpose is to important basic material for creative smart schools to be investigated by predicting the time of the introduction of the plan, and smart schools. Furthermore, it is urgently needed a practical and future-oriented study that can forecast any changes in architectural spaces within the ever-changing teaching and learning environment in the information-oriented society.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
Ⅱ. 창의적 학습의 이론적 고찰
1. 창의성 학습의 교육적 이론
2. 창의적 학습 공간적 이론
Ⅲ. 창의적 학습공간계획 특성 고찰
1. 조사 및 분석 개요
2. 요소별 건축공간계획 분석
3. 분석 요소별 건축공간계획 특성
Ⅳ. 결론