

Effects of L1 Summary Writing as Reading-Writing Activity on L2 Vocabulary Learning and Retention


Si Hyoung Park, Mae-Ran Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined the effects of L1 summary writing(SW) of L2 reading material on short-term and long-term L2 vocabulary retention along with the other two tasks: L1 translation(TR), and teacher-directed reading(TDR). It also explored a relative performance of students’ vocabulary learning and retention in relation to their vocabulary size, different task types according to their task-induced involvement load, and the performance of their summary writing. Subjects were 93 undergraduate students from various academic fields. The results showed that summary writing and translation activities were more effective in L2 vocabulary learning and retention than teacher-directed reading. It was also revealed that neither the students’ performance of L1 summary writing was related to the performance of their L2 vocabulary size nor did it influence L2 vocabulary learning and retention. Based on the results, teaching implications and limitations were drawn. (Pukyong National University)


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Summary Writing
  2.2. Involvement Load Hypothesis
  2.3. Types of Tasks
  2.4. L1 Summary on L2 Reading Materials
  2.5. Summary Writing and Vocabulary Learning
 3. Methods
  3.1. Homogeneity of Groups
  3.2. Participants
  3.3. Materials
  3.4. Procedures
  3.5. Scores from the Tests
 4. Results and Discussion
  4.1. Correlation between Vocabulary Size and Performanceof L1 Summary Writing
  4.2. Effects of Different Tasks on L2 Vocabulary Learning
  4.3. Effects of Different Tasks on L2 Vocabulary Retention
  4.4. Effects of SW Performance on L2 Vocabulary Learningand Retention
 5. Implications and Conclusion
 Appendix A: Rubric for Writing a Summary


  • Si Hyoung Park Pukyong National University
  • Mae-Ran Park Pukyong National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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