

국면인식과 관련된 최소주의 문제점


On the Minimalism Conundrum Association with the Phase Recognition

김대익, 김재윤

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A central goal of this paper is to present a new account of the long-standing observations which have been unanswered in the development of the minimalist theory(Chomsky, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2013): (a) how to interpret/evaluate the English matrix clause under the conception that a phase is interpreted/evaluated at the next(high) strong phase (Chomsky, 2000), (b) how to value the uninterpretable([uF]) ϕ-features of C and T in the derivations without resorting to interpretability in that the valued [uF] features are indistinguishable from inherently interpretable features after turning into interpretable features, (c) how T-to-C movement undergoes under syntactic implementation of the Chomsky(2013)'s labeling system. In this paper we claim that the GP phase recognition algorithm can answer these questions, which says that the Spell-Out applies at the relevant phase level if all labels of projections are encoded and some prominent features(ϕ-features, force features)are shared by the [uF] ϕ-features of CP and TP. Thus the Spell-Out applies in the TP level of the English matrix clause through ϕ-feature sharing between Subject and TP after CP deletion. In wh-clauses or inversion clauses the Spell Out applies at the CP level in which T-to-C is obligatory in order for [uF] ϕ-features to share the prominent features between two lexical categories. (Youngsan University ‧ Silla University)


 1. 서론
 2. 최소주의의 문제점
  2.1. 최소주의의 구조
  2.2. 주절의 국면문제
  2.3. 국면의 해석성여부
 3. 통사부에서의 국면인식
  3.1. Chomsky(2013)
  3.2. 국면인식알고리듬
  3.3. 국면인식알고리듬 적용
  3.4. V2언어와 국면인식알고리듬
 4. 결론


  • 김대익 Dae-ik Kim. 영산대학교
  • 김재윤 Jae-Yoon Kim. 신라대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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