

Hybrid Transmission Model based on Thin Client for Efficient Web Platform Service in Media Devices


Won Min Kang, Min-chul Kim, Byung Ho Jo, Jong Hyuk Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the recent emergence of HTML5 and the development of new web technologies, the web-based platforms and devices accepting these platforms have changed. The new web technologies demand hardware with high specifications. However, media devices with low-performance hardware are able to transmit high-resolution images using high-speed networks. Thin client technology can be applied to these devices where complicated operations are processed on the server side and only simple operations are performed on the client side, which includes an efficient decoder to display video. The hybrid transmission model proposed in this paper accumulates text and image changes in web pages. It then captures them in Region- Merge method before transmission to minimize the resources that are sent from the server to the client. The model separates the Audio/Vedio region, which is displayed as a Flash or HTML5 VIDEO tag, into streaming before transmission. The live streaming, to minimize resource usage, is divided into hybrid ondemand streaming and hybrid live streaming to provide a highly efficient service model.


  A. Core technologies
  B. Research trends
  C. System considerations
  A. Hybrid transmission protocol
  B. Architecture of TC-HT Model
  C. TC-HT Model service scenario


  • Won Min Kang Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Department of Interdisciplinary Bio IT Materials, SeoulTech, Korea
  • Min-chul Kim Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Department of Interdisciplinary Bio IT Materials, SeoulTech, Korea
  • Byung Ho Jo Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Department of Interdisciplinary Bio IT Materials, SeoulTech, Korea
  • Jong Hyuk Park Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Department of Interdisciplinary Bio IT Materials, SeoulTech, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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