

Feasibility test of wireless monitoring of Changes of Fish Fauna According to Habitat Conditions of Artificial Lakes and Wetlands


Min Ju, Hosang Ahn, Dongjin Yoo, Youngsug Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To restore the ecosystem and monitor the progress, changes of fish fauna were selected for wireless ecosystem monitoring data. The habitat conditions in the test bed were categorized into three types. Two types of dam lakes in which an existing artificial vegetation island is installed in a riverbed made up of clay and sand (St. 1) and dam lakes that apply a hybrid artificial vegetation island and artificial fish reefs that complement the functions of the existing artificial vegetation island (St. 2) were constructed. The third type is an artificial wetland built on the upstream of the dam in which artificial habitats are made using artificial fish reefs, riffle frames, piling rocks, etc in an environment that has repeated multipath puddles made mainly of sand, as well as riffles and pockets of riverbeds composed of gravel and cobble stones (St. 3). When examining the fish fauna that appear per habitat condition, in the case of St. 1, a total of four families and ten species were confirmed, while four families and eleven species and three families and seventeen species were confirmed for St. 2 and St. 3, respectively. In the case of St. 2 that applies a hybrid artificial vegetation island and artificial fish reefs that complement the functions of the existing artificial vegetation island, it could provide relatively more shelter to conceal small fish compared to St. 1. In the case of St. 3 that maintains a constant water level to stabilize vegetation around the waterside and maintains various water flows and multi-porous habitat environments, it is suitable as a habitat for various life forms.




  • Min Ju Environmental Engineering Division Korea Institute of Civil engineering and building Technology (KICT) Goyang, Korea
  • Hosang Ahn Environmental Engineering Division Korea Institute of Civil engineering and building Technology (KICT) Goyang, Korea
  • Dongjin Yoo Environmental Engineering Division Korea Institute of Civil engineering and building Technology (KICT) Goyang, Korea
  • Youngsug Kim 1Environmental Engineering Division Korea Institute of Civil engineering and building Technology (KICT) Goyang, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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