

Critical Factors in the Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Early Childhood Education in Kenya : A Case of Nairobi County


Dr. Nyakwara Begi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Kenya during the last one decade, public and private sectors have invested a lot of resources in computer based Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve the quality of education in schools. The main objective has been to integrate ICT in the delivery of curriculum in order to improve the quality of teaching-learning and to produce ICT literate workforce. The computer based technologies are used in management, pedagogy, and communication. This paper presents results from a study that was conducted in Nairobi County in Kenya to determine the key factors in the integration of computer based ICT in teaching-learning in pre-primary and lower primary schools. Results had revealed that the use of computer based ICT in teaching-learning by both pre-primary and lower primary schools was influenced by accessibility of resources, capacity to use the technology, availability of time, and provision of technical support.


 1. Introduction
 2. Information and Communication Technologies
  2.1 National ICT Policy and Strategy
  2.2 Integration of ICT in Early Childhood Education
 3. Methodology
 4. Results and Discussions
  4.1 Computer Software for Children
  4.2 Teachers’ Attitudes towards Computers
  4.3 Teachers’ Computer Knowledge
  4.4 Teachers’ Computer training
  4.5 Teachers’ Computer Self-efficacy
  4.6 Time Support
  4.7 Technical Support
  4.8 Prediction of Instructional Computer Use with all the Independent Variables Combined
 5. Findings of the Study
 6. Conclusion
 7. Recommendations


  • Dr. Nyakwara Begi Early Childhood Studies Department, Kenyatta University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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