Study on the Possibility of Generational Conflicts Related to Family Care-giving Functions
The Purpose of this study was to explore the generational conflicts around adult children’s taking care of elderly parents and grandparents’ caring for grand children.
The results of this study were as follows. First, the child care responsibility of the parents’ generation is much more intense than that of the parent care responsibility of the children’s generation. Second, the norm of parent care has changed from being the responsibility of the eldest son to being the responsibility of all of the children, which had led to an increased probability of conflicts between the two generations due to the differences in expectation and reward. Third, the bilateralization of the kinship increases the responsibility of women in taking care of their families, which leads to an increase in conflict among women of different generations. Finally, the generational conflicts related to family care appear across different social classes.
I. 서론
II. 세대 및 세대갈등
III. 성인자녀세대의 노부모 부양
IV. 노부모세대의 손자녀돌봄
V. 가족돌봄기능을 둘러싼 세대갈등의 가능성
VI. 자녀돌봄과 노부모부양 관련 정책
VII. 가족돌봄기능 수행에 따른세대갈등 완화를 위한 제언