

외암마을 이참판댁 입지 및 공간배치의 풍수고찰


A Study on the Pungsu of the Site and Space Layout of Vice Minister Lee’s House in Oeam Historic Village


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Pungsu acts as a strong guideline for selecting a location of the village having a certain geographical condition. The attitude of choosing an auspicious site regarding the shape of mountains and water stream, is widely accepted by the intelligent class of Josen period. Therefore, the theory is one of the main factor influenced on the traditional village and house in Korea. Regarding the fact that a real effect of pungsu on the formation of traditional village and house, Study with a view of Pungsu theory could be a good method for deeply understanding the traditional architecture in Korea. In this context, the study analyzes the site and space lay out of an upper class house of vice minister Lee(Lee, Jung Ryul, 1868~1950) in Oeam historic village with Pungsu theory. The house is composed of Anchae(house for the women) and Sanrangchae(house for the men and receiving guests) and Hangrangchae(servants’ quarters). Through the study, It finds out that the house is carefully selected and planned considering surrounding physical environment so called Jusan(back hill), Ansan(front hill), Choengyong(blue dragon) and Beckho(white tiger) of Pungsu theory.


 1. 서론
 2. 외암마을 이참판댁
 3. 이참판댁 입지의 풍수고찰
  3.1 주산(主山)
  3.2 용맥(龍脈)과 용호(龍虎)
  3.3 비보염승(裨補厭勝)
 4. 이참판댁 배치의 풍수고찰
  4.1 배치 좌향의 분석
  4.2 황천살을 고려한 안채와 사당
 5. 결론


  • 한종구 Han, Jong-Koo. 청운대학교 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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