

효과적인 스포츠벤처기업의 창업과 경영을 위한 운영실태 및사례 연구


A Case Study and Actual Status Analysis for effective management of Sports Venture Companies

조중환, 박용흠, 이형권

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this research was to investigate various effective company operationmethods through research on management status of domestic sports venturecompanies. The process of this study was comprised of questionnaire surveytargeted at employees of sports venture companies and in-depth interviews with it'sCEOs. In detail, 250 employees were selected by a non-probability conveniencesampling method based on four classification system of the sports industry. TheCEOs were chosen by a snowball sampling method, among which 6 peoplecompleted the in-depth interviews finally. The questionnaire survey was constructedwith background variables and management status, which includes sub factors suchas human resource management, labor-management relations, non- financialperformance, financial performance, organizational performance, and marketingstrategy. The in-depth interview with the CEOs was proceeded by using a guidelinefor semi-structured interview method. The results of this investigation was asfollows. Firstly, the management status of sports venture companies were similar toeach other when compared based on industrial classification. The majority of theemployees' majors were identified as either business administration or sports- relatedwhich demonstrated their professionalism. In addition, their service periods wererelatively long and labor unions were not established. Furthermore, the scales ofsales were small, and the net profits were totalled in a scope of 5 to 20 percent lastyear. Sales increase rates were revealed by a growth of 2 to 9 percent. Secondly, thedifference of operating companies based on gender existed. Namely, femaleemployees scored higher than male employees in the section of human resource management, organizational performance, and in financial and non- financialperformance as well. Thirdly, the difference of operating companies according toemployees' ranks existed. Namely, there were meaningful differences inlabor-management relations, marketing strategies and in both financial andnon- financial performances. Fourthly, CEOs stressed the importance of humanresource management, labor-management relations, non-financial performances,financial performances, and organizational performances when questioned about themanagement status of companies. Meanwhile, they made statements about thedifficulty of operating companies in terms of competition with large corporations,financial security, networking and development of business models. Specificstatements on thorough organization management, encouragement of employees'personal development and marketing strategies for future business strategies werealso made by the CEOs. Finally, CEOs stressed the importance of marketingstrategies, human resource management, non-financial and financial performances,organizational performances and especially, challenges and visions which are theaspects crucial to the success of domestic sports venture companies.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 스포츠 산업과 벤처기업
 Ⅲ. 스포츠 벤처기업의 운영실태 분석
 Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언


  • 조중환 Cho Joong Hwan. 안양대학교 국제통상유통학과 조교수
  • 박용흠 Park Yong Heum. 남서울대학교 박사과정
  • 이형권 Lee Hyeong Kwon. (주)아이새롬 대표이사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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