

포스터 발표

General Condition of Drinking Water in Nepal



In the context of Nepal, the issue of easy access to safe drinking water has always been a hot debate mainly because though the country is generally recognized as one of the richest country on the basis of consisting high water density, the proportion of people suffering from water borne diseases is significantly massive. According to the census report of Central Bureau of Statistics 2011, nearly 85percents of households in the country have access to improved drinking water. However these statistics necessarily does not determine and ensure that the stated proportion of households have easy and sufficient access to safe drinking water mainly because most often it is seen that most of the water supplies contain high bacterial contamination and found hardly chlorinated to adequate levels. Whereas the existing major sources and supply systems of drinking water in Nepal are concerned, people heavily depend on inadequate, unhygienic and poor water quality sources like rivers, tube- wells and spouts. Besides that, Poor storage system, practice of open defecation around water sources, traditional operative system, improper drainage system and negligence from concerned stakeholders for the proper maintenance of water supply system are also viewed as most common reasons for the unavailability of sufficient safe drinking water in Nepal. Prominently if we focus on the condition of safe drinking water of Far Western Region of Nepal, it has always been considerably below the national coverage. In the Mountain areas, the water is generally considered to be safe however the contamination of Iron in water is found frequently. In the hill sides lime contaminated water is most commonly available which has further led for the emergence of water and skin borne diseases. In this area the access to safe water is primarily based on gravity system but the availability of limited water sources, insufficient allocation of budget and improper distribution have played vital role for the lack of access to safe to water. Since the hill and mountain districts of this region suffer from the lack of easy access to drinking water, they have to labor hard by walking long distance for the storage of water for which they have to spend healthy amount of time and simultaneously it is not sure that whether that water is safe or not. Access to water is better in Terai region in comparison to the rest because of the availability of underground water sources through tube and dug wells. However, though the sources and access are easier, the worst effect aroused by the lack of access to safe drinking water in this region is more pathetic where a lot of citizens are badly affected by the arsenic contaminated water. Most importantly, the high proportion of patients visiting hospitals for the checkup due to the consistent and acute outbreaks of intestinal parasitic diseases seems emerging from the use of arsenic contaminated water in Terai region which has underscored the prevalence of unsafe water. Even in city areas of the country. Water supply systems are typically occasional, having supply only for relatively few hours per day. Since the facility of water supply through piped system is limited, many people are compelled to depend on the traditional and unprotected sources like ponds in hill region and open dug- wells in Terai region. Since Terai is located in plain areas, people have to rely on diverse types of water sources and mechanisms like streams, tube and dug- wells, underground water systems, small rivers and other sources as well which are undoubtedly do not confirm the reliability and quality of the water. In contrast to Mountain and hill districts of Far West, sources of water in Tikapur Municipality are much more heavily based on underground water but have no easy access to surface water system, though only few who are rich does have. In addition to it, unavailability of drainage system, lack of land for the construction of tube wells due to dense settlements in urban areas and absence of felt need are also other highly functioning factors for the scarcity of safe drinking water. Additionally unsafe water storage habits of people living in this Municipality have created water quality problems. Due to the lack of access to safe water, water borne diseases like cholera, skin diseases and even typhoid are also common in the municipality. In some of the rural and drought affected areas of the Municipality, people use unprotected dug- wells and surface water as the source of drinking water without any scientific treatment.



  • Kyu-Jae Lee The Eco-Innovation Global Top Project, the Korea Ministry of Environment, and Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine and Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea
  • Ma Easter Joy Sajo1 The Eco-Innovation Global Top Project, the Korea Ministry of Environment, and Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine and Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea
  • Yang-Suk Yoon The Eco-Innovation Global Top Project, the Korea Ministry of Environment, and Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine and Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea
  • Eun-Ha Kim Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea
  • Dong-Heui Kim Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine and Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea
  • Dong-Won Ahn The Eco-Innovation Global Top Project, the Korea Ministry of Environment, and Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine


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