

포스터 발표

Unsafe Drinking Water in Tikapur, Nepal



This specific dissertation thoroughly examines and analyses the existing condition of safe drinking water, prevailing problems and most possible solutions to improve its quality in Tikapur Municipality of Nepal. First of all, it is found that relatively very few proportion of population residing particularly in the core urban area of the Municipality have access to gravity water supply system whereas almost 90 percents of total population depend on the underground water sources like tube- wells. Since the existing major sources of drinking water in this Municipality are based on unscientific, traditional and unprotected supply systems, the inhabitants are compelled to use inadequate, unhygienic and poor water quality, which is found hardly chlorinated and purified to adequate levels. Although the sources and access to water is quite high in this Municipality in comparison to the average condition of the Nepal, prevalence of bacterial contamination and unsafe drinking water seems as one of the major challenges in most of the rural and drought affected areas of the Municipality. Apart from it, due to the dense settlements and lack of adequate land, it is most often seen that the distance of tube wells and safety tank of toilets is narrow consisting high risk of contamination of human excreta. Most importantly, it is really surprising that even medical stores do not keep water guard and other water treatment options except in summer season. Prominently, lack of felt need and habit cultivation for the use of safe drinking water among people living in this Municipality have contributed largely for the emergence of rampant water quality problem and its subsequent result of water borne and other diseases like Diarrhoea, cholera and jaundice. On the one hand it is estimated that the capacity of water storage tank based on surface water supply system is limited only for 1500 households out of more than 11000, on the other hand its traditional operative system and practice of irregular and ineffective cleanliness of tank and its sources have raised another major problem for maintaining its safety. In rainy seasons due to the unavailability of scientific sewerage and drainage system, the tube- wells are covered with contaminated and dirty water mainly in the urban areas of the Municipality. In addition to it, poor storage system, practice of open defecation near to water sources, allocation of insufficient budget for providing scientific water supply system, lack of public awareness and lack of ownership among concerned stakeholders for the promotion and management of safe drinking water are also appearing as the major problems. First and foremost, what seems inevitable is the simultaneous use of both hardware and software approaches to promote and provide easy and sustainable access for safe drinking water. Activities to arouse felt need to generate the sense of ownership and promotion of the Proper practice of POU water treatment options could be some effective tools for the sustainable development of safe drinking water. Similarly, as the habit of open defecation near to water sources has been rampant in the Tikapur Municipality area, it is undoubtedly crucial to eliminate Open defecation practice by promoting safe disposal practice of human excreta through Public awareness campaign. In the similar fashion development and expansion of scientific and modern water supply system, proper management of scientific sewerage and drainage system is also equally important. Last but not the least, the methods for the mobilization of community, strengthening and capacity development of stakeholders, development and implementation local level participatory action plan are seem important and even effective for maintaining and providing safe drinking water.


  • Megh Raj Bhattarai Integrated Development Society Nepal
  • Ma Easter Joy Sajo The Eco-Innovation Global Top Project, the Korea Ministry of Environment, Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine and Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea
  • Yang-Suk Yoon The Eco-Innovation Global Top Project, the Korea Ministry of Environment, Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine and Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea
  • Dong-Heui Kim Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine and Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea
  • Dong-Won Ahn The Eco-Innovation Global Top Project, the Korea Ministry of Environment, Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine
  • Kyu-Jae Lee The Eco-Innovation Global Top Project, the Korea Ministry of Environment, Department of Environmental Medical Biology Wonju college of Medicine and Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID) Yonsei University Korea


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