The Drinking Effect of Gangcheon Mountain Spring Water on Diabetes Patients
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition that blood glucose is not used as a energy source because of resistance or insufficient production of insulin, which results in hyperglycemia and glycosuria. Medication and dietotherapy is paralleled for the treatment of DM, however the side effect of medication is on the rise for DM patients. The purpose of this study is to confirm the blood glucose reducing effect of Gangcheon mountain spring water (GSW) in Sunchang-gun, Jeollabuk-do on the subject of DM patients based on its rich mineral contents. Also, GSW was previously studied to have anti-oxidative effect and rapid absorption based on the property of alkalescence and reduction power. The participants were divided into two groups: GSW group (n=20) which were supplied with Gangcheon mountain spring water and TW group (n=20) wupplied with purified tap water (TW). The drinking volume of water per a day was 30ml/lg body weight and the experimental period was one month. After one month, fasting blood glucose and blood pressure of two groups were measured before and after drinking of TW and GSW. As a result, GSW group showed a significant reduction of blood glucose (p<0.01) and blood pressure (p<0.01) after drinking GSW, while TW group did not show any difference. Collectively, this study suggests that the long-term drinking of Gangcheon mountain spring water may have a positive effect on the control of blood pressure and blood glucose level of DM patients that might be helpful in the management of DM.
재료 및 방법
1. 실험재료
2. 임상시험참가자 모집
3. 실험방법
결과 및 고찰
1. 혈당검사
2. 체지방 측정
3. 혈압 측정
4. 뇨 검사(Urinalysis)
5. 혈액검사