A study on whether there are Internally-headed Relative Clauses or not in Korean
The aim of this paper is to investigate if Korean speakers accept internally-headed relative clauses and to decide if there are internally-headed relative clauses in Korean. To achieve the goals, we reexamined two experimental data. The results of the study showed that Korean speakers judged the grammaticality of internally-headed relative clauses around 70% of the time, suggesting that they accept the existence of internally-headed relative clauses restrictively. The results also suggest that 'defective-looking' internally-headed relative clauses observed in the early period of Korean language development seem to be 'real' ones.
1. 머리말
2. 내핵관계절과 관련된 연구 자료의 재조사
2.1. 학령기 이전 아동 대상의 연구 자료
2.2. 성인 학습자 대상의 연구 자료
3. 토론 및 결론