

Differences between the Deferential and Polite Styles : In terms of their Indexical Meanings and Discourse Functions


Sang-Seok Yoon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigates the differences between two honorific speech styles: the deferential and polite styles. Conventionally, it has been regarded that the deferential style is a little higher in the degree of politeness than the polite style. Also, the deferential style is known to be used in formal situations, while the polite style is used in informal situations. However, they are often intermixed in the same discourse with the same addressee; therefore it is not enough to explain their differences simply by degree of politeness or formality. From a social constructivist’s perspective, this study compares the deferential and the polite style by examining their indexical meanings and discourse functions. This study argues that the most basic indexical meaning of the deferential style is ritualized self-presentation. It is compatible with a situation when a speaker delivers information or makes an announcement, which does not require much emotional interaction with the interlocutor(s). On the other hand, the most basic indexical meaning of the polite style is soft affective stance of the speaker. The polite style is used in interactive discourses where people share affects each other. This study suggests that investigating indexical meanings of speech styles helps understanding dynamic nature of Korean honorifics.


 1. Introduction
 2. Indexicality
 3. Data and Method
 4. The Deferential Style
  4.1. Delivering information or making announcement
  4.2. Phatic expressions
  4.3. Indexing authority or being professional
  4.4. Indexical meanings and discourse functions of the deferential style
 5. The Polite Style
  5.1. Soft affective stance
  5.2. Interactive nature of -yo
  5.3. Polite ending –(e/a)yo for expressing emotional attitude
  5.4. Back-channeling in polite style
  5.5. The indexical meanings and the discourse functions of the  polite style
 6. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Sang-Seok Yoon 윤상석. University of Iowa


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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