

Implementation of the F-B function comparison on the body movement



To compare body signal, was designed the F-B function system on the body movement for the comfortable state. To detect subject of the normal state, was decided on the base of physical signal in the body movement. There are to detect the condition of Vision, Vestibular, Somatosensory and CNS. Vision condition was verified a variation of greater average (Vi-ΦAVG-AVG) was presented slightly greater at 17.424±9.65 unit. Vestibular condition was identified a variation of slightly greater average (Ve-ΦAVG-AVG) was presented at 9.068±1.478 unit. Somatosensory condition was checked a variation of smaller average (So-ΦAVG-AVG) was presented slightly smaller at 2.79±0.419 unit. CNS condition was confirmed a variation of diminutive smaller average (C-ΦAVG-AVG) was presented slightly larger at 0.557±0.153 unit. As the model depends on the F-B function system of body movement, average values of these perturbation were computed F-B function comparison data. These systems will be to infer a data algorithm and a data signal processing system for the evaluation of the stability.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related research of f-b function signal parameter
 3. Proposed Method of f-b function signal
  A. System of F-B function signal
  B. Algorithm of F-B signal
 4. Results and Discussion
  A. Database
  B. Evaluations
 5. Conclusion


  • Jeong-lae Kim Department of Biomedical Engineering Eulji University, Seoul, Korea
  • Kyu-sung Hwang Department of Funeral Science Eulji University, Seoul, Korea
  • Yong-seok Nam Department of Anatomy, Catholic institute for Applied Anatomy Catholic University, Seoul, Korea


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