

폭력성 게임의 인식과 논쟁에 관한 연구 - 카타르시스 이론과 인지 네오 연상 이론을 중심으로


A Study on Critical Debate of Violent Games based on Catharsis theory & Cognitive neoassociation theory

이혜림, 정의준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although many theoretical and empirical studies consider violent games, general causality between violent games and aggression or violence is ambiguity. To overcome such limitations, we try to identify the focal points of violent games. This study aims to explore the critical debate about violent games from research result in terms of heading in opposite directions. Furthermore, we analyzed the discourse of the violent game based on catharsis theory and cognitive neoassociation theory. Catharsis theory predicts that 'venting' aggression through exposure to violence will reduce the risk of later aggressive behavior. On the contrary, cognitive neoassociation theory posits that aversive events produce negative affect such as aggression. Several recent studies found little evidence for a relationship between violent games and aggression or violence. Given that aggression is not negative, it is reasonable to study the potential benefits of violent games. Therefore, we suggested several ways to application the violent games based on prior literature.


 1. 서론
 2. 폭력성 게임의 주요사건 및 인식변천과정
 3. 폭력성에 근간한 상충 이론: 인지네오 연상 이론과 카타르시스 이론
  3.1 폭력의 전이: 인지 네오 연상 이론
  3.2 욕망 분출의 카타르시스 이론
 4. 폭력성 게임 인식에 관한 쟁점
  4.1 폭력성 게임의 행위 전이 관점
  4.2 폭력성 게임의 행위 전이 무관성과 혜택적 관점
 5. 폭력성 게임 인식과 논쟁에 기반한 함의
 6. 결론


  • 이혜림 Hye Rim Lee. Department of Digital Culture & Contents, Konkuk University
  • 정의준 Eui Jun Jeong. Department of Digital Culture & Contents, Konkuk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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