

『설득』의 긍정심리학


Positive Psychology in Persuasion


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Persuasion, the importance of a flexible and positive attitude is emphasized through the open and wise response of the heroine, Anne, to her constantly changing circumstances. Through Anne's example, we can clearly see that continuous effort for self-reflection and self-knowledge is required to be equipped with this desirable attitude towards life. Also, through the new character creations like Mrs. Smith and Captain Harville, Austen recommended “that elasticity of mind,” called resilience, which is a power to positively accept the circumstances, even the suffering and trials of life. In contrast to the positivity of the above characters, there are negative characters like Sir. Walter and Mary. Because of their solipsistic, closed and negative mind-set to the outer world, these characters cannot see the world clearly and objectively. As a result, they come to bring downfall and unhappiness upon themselves. Austen lived and wrote in an age of great social change. In Persuasion, Austen's last completed novel, the writer's awareness of the changing spirit of the age is most evident. So it is natural that in this work positive psychological traits like adaptability, flexibility, and elasticity of mind are recommended. Finally, it can be said that the positive mentality of the characters in Persuasion is needed more in our age of total and unprecedented change than it was in Austen's world 200 hundred years ago. In this sense Austen's novel presents a very modern message to us.




  • 이혜영 Hyeyoung Lee. 동신대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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