

An efficient algorithm for image copy-move forgery detection based on DWT and SVD




With the rapid development and popularization of Photoshop, ACDSee and other digital processing and editing software, the non-professionals can easily modify the image to achieve the purpose of beautification, spoof or malicious tampering. Digital tampering usually has ulterior motives, which would bring crisis of confidence to the credibility of media image, the authenticity of judicial evidence and the reliability of military intelligence. The Copy-move forgery is one of the most common and immediate tampering attacks, and is one type of image forgery where one region of an image is copied to another region in an attempt to cover some potentially important features. In this paper, an efficient algorithm is presented for image copy-move forgery detection and localization based on DWT and SVD. Experiment results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm can effectively detect multiple copy-move forgery and precisely locate the duplicated regions, even when an image was distorted by Gaussian blurring, JPEG compression and their mixed operations.


 1. Introduction
 2 .The basic theory
  2.1. Singular value decomposition
  2.2 Discrete Wavelet Transform
  2.3 The method of expanding block
  2.4 The operation of reducing the dimensionality
 3. The proposed algorithm
 4. Experiment results and analysis
  4.1 evaluation criteria
  4.2 The Visual results
  4.3 Comparison with other algorithms
 5. Conclusions


  • Feng Liu College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, 310014, China, Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Ningbo, 315100, China
  • Hao Feng College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, 310014, China


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