

Decision Support System based Site Quality Evaluation for Plantation




This paper presents the design and development of a Web-based decision support system for site quality evaluation of plantation (SSQEP). SSQEP is an operational automatic evaluation tool that helps farmers in estimating site quality and predicting the growth performance of trees. The SSQEP consists of three subsystems: (i) site quality evaluation for forest land subsystem; (ii) site quality evaluation for non-forest land subsystem; and (iii) stand growth and yield prediction subsystem. Expert system principle was adopted in the site quality evaluation for non-forest land. An automatic knowledge acquisition module provides a user-friendly interface to domain experts for entering and storing domain-specific knowledge. The knowledge base was used to store and manage the knowledge of domain experts, which is presented as rules and facts. Inference engine was designed and implemented to use forward reasoning mechanism to search the site quality evaluation knowledge. Furthermore, two site quality evaluation methods for forest land (i.e., site index and growth model methods) were designed in the SSQEP. After evaluating site quality, the stand growth and yield were predicted by a graph.


 1. Introduction
 2. Site Quality Evaluation Methods
 3. Development of the Decision Support System
  3.1. Architecture of the System
  3.2. Database
  3.3. Inference Engine
  3.4. Growth and Yield Model Parse Technology
  3.5. User Interface
 4. Conclusions


  • Han Yanyun School of Information Science and Technology of Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China
  • Wu Baoguo School of Information Science and Technology of Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China
  • Wang Chaoqun School of Information Science and Technology of Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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