Component-based development allows us to develop and integrate product components which facilitate software reusability, high quality and simplification for testing. Component-Based Software Engineering makes use of approaches which are based on architecture definition languages, object oriented design and software architecture. These strategies assist in the development of both domain-specific and generic software products. Reusability approach speeds up software development by using already developed components, thus software development cost and time is substantially reduced. I this paper, we present a Component-Based Software Engineering framework for software reusability.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Critical Evaluation
4. Proposed Framework for Reusability of CBSE
4.1. Software Development
4.2. Component Development
4.3. Reusability Domain Analysis
4.4. Reusable Tagging
4.5. Reusable Component Repository
4.6. Search Engine Reusable / Artifact
4.7. Component Integration
4.8. System Validation
5. Case Study based Validation
6. Conclusion