

The College Physical Education Teaching Evaluation based on the Fuzzy AHP-Entropy and the Computer Simulation



At present, the higher education pays more attention to the improvement of the teaching quality, not the scale expansion. Constructing the scientific, reasonable evaluation index system of college physical education teaching is the basis and prerequisite for the education administrative department to launch the appraisal work. The rapid development of the computer technology not only brings the convenience in the daily life, but also provides the new ideals and methods for the college physical education teaching evaluation. The combination between the college physical education teaching evaluation and the computer technology becomes the development trend in current college physical education evaluation work. AHP method is an important assessment method. However, in traditional AHP method, human subjectivity may cause a certain impact on the assessment results. In this paper, we propose the Fuzzy AHP-Entropy method. This method can reduce the influence of the human subjectivity on the results. We apply this method to college physical education teaching evaluation. Then we use the computer simulation to obtain the evaluate results. Finally, the computer simulation experiment shows that the method is scientific, operability and efficient.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Calculation Steps of AHP-entropy Method
 3. The Fuzzy AHP-Entropy Method
 4. The Distribution of the Weight
 5. The Simulation Experiment and the Results Analysis
 6. The Conclusion


  • Suhui Wang Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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