

Denoising Algorithm in Fresnel Transform Domain for Electronic Holographic Video System



Holography is the optimal and the final choice among several techniques for imaging and displaying the three-dimensional (3D) objects. In this paper, we propose a new denoising algorithm for digital hologram using Fresnel transform (FT). The proposed algorithm initially transforms a digital hologram into frequency-domain data through a FT, and separates the object from the background in the transformed image. Experimental results show that the technique to reduce noise in a natural 2D image such as a smoothing filter can reduce the noise to improve the image quality for a digital hologram. We expect that the conclusions of this paper will be a very useful technique for further work in the area of signal processing scheme for electronic holographic video service.


 1. Introduction
 2.2. Fresnel Transform
 3. Proposed Algorithm
 4. Experimental Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Hyun-Jun Choi Dept. of Electronic Eng., Mokpo National Maritime University Haeyangdaehak-ro 91, Mokpo-si, Jeonnam, 530-729, South Korea


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