

Design and Implementation of a Context Aware Contents Service Model in Mobile LMS




The purpose of this study is designing and implementing a context aware service model that can collect and process learners’ learning context in real time on mobile LMS. With the spread of so-called ubiquitous computing environment based on today’s wireless mobile communication technology, hardware technology, sensor network technology, etc., e-learning platform is also entering into a new phase. As the next-generation e-learning platform called e-learning 2.0 is evolving from PC-based to mobile device-based, research is continued for the application of new technologies such as cloud computing and big data processing. In the field of school education, on the other hand, there is an increasing need for developing experiential education contents to stimulate students’ creative synthetic thinking required in the age of creative economy. Thus, this study aimed to provide elaborative knowledge organized by teachers based on the learners’ context recognized using various types of context aware information collected from the learners’ mobile device. With the outcome of this study, we expect to enhance the timeliness of learning by providing contents of education organized in advance by teachers at any time and in any place, even without the learner’s request.


 1. Introduction
 2. Introduction to Mobile LMS for Smart Learning
  2.1. Current State of LMS
  2.2. Context Aware Contents Services in Smart Environment
 3. Design and Implementation of a Context Aware Contents Service Model for Smart Learning
  3.1. Design of User Interface Adaptable to Various Mobile Devices
  3.2. Design of Context Aware Contents Service Support
  3.3. Design of the Whole Learning Process
 4. Results
  4.1. Application Program for Collecting Learners’ Position Information and Transmitting to the Server
  4.2. Application Program that Stores Position Information Collected from a Mobile Device into DB
  4.3. Development of Interface for Tablet PC and Mobile Devices
  4.4. Real-time Provision of Contents According to the Learning Position of Mobile Device
 5. Conclusions


  • Jin-Hee Ku Dept of Liberal Education, Mokwon University Doan-Dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon, 302-729, Korea


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