

Network Sharing beyond Knowledge Sharing



This study examines the influences of knowledge-sharing activities and tertius iungens orientation on job performance within social media environments. It introduces individual factors (knowledge self-efficacy and enjoyment of helping) and social factors (social interaction ties and the norm of reciprocity) as antecedents, based on social cognitive and social capital theories. Through empirical analysis, it finds that knowledge self-efficacy, social interaction ties, and the norm of reciprocity positively influence knowledge-sharing activities in social media environments, and that social interaction ties and the norm of reciprocity contribute to the establishment of an individual’s tertius iungens orientation only through knowledge-sharing activities. In terms of job performance, it shows that tertius iungens orientation plays a mediating role in the relationship between knowledge-sharing activities and individual job performance. Our results have important theoretical implications for researchers of topics such as knowledge management in social media contexts, and offer a helpful perspective for managers who hope to introduce social media within their organizations in order to facilitate the conducting of job duties.


1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1. Social Media
  2.2. Social Cognitive Theory and Social Capital Theory
  2.3. Tertius Iungens: “The Third Party Who Joins”
 3. Research Model and Hypothesis
  3.1. The Effects of Individual and Social Factors on Knowledge-Sharing Activities
  3.2. Establishment of Tertius Iungens Orientation through Knowledge-Sharing Activities
  3.3. The Effect of Tertius Iungens Orientation and Knowledge-Sharing Activities on Job Performance
 4. Research Methodology
  4.1. Development of Measurement Instrument
  4.2. Data Collection and Sample Characteristics
 5. Analysis and Results
  5.1. Measurement Model
  5.2. Structural Model and Hypothesis Testing
  5.3. Mediation Effect Test for Tertius Iungens Orientatio
 6. Discussion
 7. Conclusion and Implications


  • Kee-Young Kwahk College of Business Administration, Kookmin University
  • Do-Hyung Park College of Business Administration, Kookmin University


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