

Satellite Handover Techniques for LEO Networks Serving Air Traffic Control Communication



Satellite systems are a perfect alternative system to cover wide areas on the earth, especially oceans and desert areas, and to provide broadband communications to all aircraft. Low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations are important in future air traffic control (ATC) communication networks due to their advantages, such as whole global coverage and low propagation time. However, the satellites are not stationary; a contact between aircraft and satellite may be subjected to handovers. Many techniques have been proposed in order to deal with the cell handover issue. In this paper, the Handover procedure implication in the communication blocking probability is estimated via simulation. To reduce the high number of Handovers, some strategies are used to cope with. Simulation models have been developed to improve all the features evaluated in this paper.


 1. Introduction
 2. Data Model and Preliminary
  2.1. Traffic Model
 3. Handoff Schemes in Single Traffic Systems
  3.1. No Priority Strategy (NPS)
  3.2. Priority Strategy
 4. Simulation Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Abdelali Achachi Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University, Algeria
  • Djamel Benatia Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University, Algeria
  • Messaoud Gareh Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University, Algeria


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