

Network Selection Algorithm at the Starting Point of Mobile Device in Indoor Wi-Fi Environment



In the location estimation technology using WLAN, RSSI coming from each AP has a large deviation due to complicated and varying indoor environments. Especially when a laptop is used for work inside a building or when a location-based service is required, the AP needs to be changed depending on RSSI coming from the laptop or the type of work. However, most studies are about hand-over technology between different types of devices based on mobile devices with good portability. Hand-over technology is generally controlled and managed at the server to identify the AP information and select a network quickly. Though this is the best choice to select network and connect communication quickly, any mobile device that is not registered in the server cannot be provided with the service. The current paper proposes a network selection algorithm at the starting point of mobile device as a way to solve the problem through simulation and performance evaluation.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Hand-over
  2.2. Wi-Fi Dual-band
 3. Network Selection Algorithm at the Starting Point of Mobile Device
 4. Test Environment and Performance Analysis
  4.1. Test Environment
  4.2. Performance Analysis and Review
 5. Conclusion


  • Hyun-Jun Shin Korea University of Technology and Education, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Cheonan, Korea
  • Min-ho Jeon Korea University of Technology and Education, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Cheonan, Korea
  • Chang-Heon On Korea University of Technology and Education, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Cheonan, Korea


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