This study aimed to discuss a military system reform designed by WOO Ha-yeong. Before proceeding with the reform, WOO Ha-yeong looked into previous military systems and tried to learn concrete lessons from them. As far as WOO Ha-yeong understood, their failure to reform the military systems reasonably back then as well as the systems’ not being competent or efficient enough for quick reactions were considered negative effects. In the light of that, WOO Ha-yeong proposed ideas not only to improve the systems of both the army and the naval forces but also to strengthen the military most economically at a low cost. The discussion mentioned so far focused rather on how to resolve operative problems than how to reform the systems.
Ⅱ. 군제개혁론의 구성과 전개
Ⅲ. 군제개혁론의 주요 내용
Ⅳ. 맺음말