Existing view about Gungye government was in argument on if the government is political power unions among powerful families. Especially, main trend was an opinion where life and government of Gungye were understood from viewpoint of political power unions among powerful families. Accordingly, ‘Maitreya Buddha’ came to the forefront as part of strengthening royal authority. This was applied to analyze function and character of central government organization. This viewpoint is well disclosed in interpretation of Gwangpyongseong which was a representative government organization in Gungye era. That is, there is contradiction in opinion about Gwangpyongseong, one is that Gwangpyongseong is an organization to represent powerful families, the other is that it played a role to assist autocratic royal authority of Gungye like Jipsabu in Silla. But such existing analysis interpreted characteristic of Gungye government where ‘Maitreya Buddha’ came to the forefront, as ‘strengthening royal authority’ or ‘individual tendency’. So it is pointed out that important factor is overlooked in understanding Gungye and Gungye government. Accordingly, the study tried to analyze in what form ‘Maitreya Buddha’ thoughts and national direction as ‘Buddhist nation’ which were core events in Gungye government were reflected to life of Gungye and Gungye government. Through this, it could be drawn that ‘Maitreya Buddha’ of Gungye had been continuously strengthened in the life of Gungye, not dramatic event in the year 911 for strengthening royal authority; this affected identity and central government organization of Taebong, ‘Maitreya Buddh's Land’.
Ⅱ. 궁예의 세력 확장과 미륵불 사상
Ⅲ. 궁예의 세력 확장 과정에서 호족과의 관계
Ⅳ. 궁예 미륵관심법과 참소정치
Ⅴ. 맺음말