

전북 서해안지역 原三國∼三國時代 토기 變化 - 群山 藍田패총 · 주거지 출토품 중심으로 -


A Study on Pottery of Jeonbuk west coast from the Pre-Three kingdom to Three kingdom

전북 서해안지역 원삼국∼삼국시대 토기 변화 - 군산 람전패총 · 주거지 출토품 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to viewing a look at the change process of pottery during Proto Three Kingdom ∼ Three Kingdom period that was excavated at Gunsan seongsanmyeon yeobang-ri Namjeon shell mound in 1995. and then will compare with a study of pottery from the Namjeon dwelling siteAnalyzed potteries are 2068 for all. 1847 for a Proto-Three Kingdom period of pottery divided into Hard-plain Pottery (38), Flat bottom deep bowl(547), Long egg-shaped jar(299), Jar (502s), Long bodied jar(7), Vessel(29), Big-bowl(123), Bowl(142), Steamer(57), pottery with spout(30), Cap shaped pottery (11), Big-jar(6), inward-hemmed-mouthed pottery(8), Mounted cup(5), pottery with two-fold mouth(3), Bird-Shaped Pottery(2), Japanese pottery in Pot with Handle[土師器](2). Pottery of Three Kingdom period except for the Jar is 36 that devide into Mounted flat cup(11), Cup shaped pottery(6), Flat bottom bowl pottery-stand(1), Cup with cap(12) and Bottle (6). As a result, Namjeon shell mound largely can be divided into two Periods. Ⅰperiod Includes 2 layer-group and 3 layer- group. Ⅰstage can be divided intoⅠa stage and Ⅰb stage depending on whether Hard-plain Pottery. Chronology is the late of third century and the early of fourth century. Ⅱperiod includes 4 layer-group and 5 layer-group. In detail, depending on the effect of Baekje pottery, Ⅱperiod is divided into three stage. Ⅱa stage is from the 8 layer to the 6 layer. Chronology is the middle of the fourth century. In Proto-Three Kingdom of pottery, bottom deep bowl Ⅱ type, Long egg- shaped jar Ⅱ type, Jar Ⅱa type appeared. Ⅱb stage is 5 layer of 4 layer-group. Chronology is the late of the fourth century. ceramic firing Jar andMounted flat cup, Cup shaped pottery, Pottery-stand are appear. Ⅱc stage is from the 8 layer to the 6 layer of 5 layer-group. Chronology is close the early of fifth century. Cup with cap, Bottle are appear and another Proto-Three Kingdom of pottery is varied. In summary, Ⅱc stage from the finished Proto-Tree Kingdom pottery group in Ⅰperiod appeared consistently used. From Ⅱperiod, new models appear in some deformation and two rounds of the newly emerged Baekje pottery. Finally, Cup with capⅢ type appear in 1 layer, top soil and disturbance layer. So, layer below of 1layer is judged as at the stragraphic end of Namjeon shell mound. Comprehensively, pottery of Namjeon shell mound can devide into indigenous pottery, transformed pottery under influence of Baekje, flowed pottery newly. And there was a meaning result when compared with a study of pottery from Namjeon shell mound and dwelling site. First Namjeon dwelling site hold during from the early of the fourth century to early of fifth century not temporary. Second special pottery as stovepipe pottery used only in dwelling site. Third it will be possible compare with a study of pottery from Namjeon shell mound and the other site in Jeonbuk province.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 남전패총 토기의 器種別 변화(그림 1, 그림 2, 그림 3)
 Ⅲ. 패총 토기군의 分期別 변화
 Ⅳ. 패총 토기군의 特徵과 주거지 토기군과의 비교
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 최흥선 Choi, Hyeung-sun. 국립전주박물관 학예연구사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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