


임상약학, 임상약사, 임상약료와 임상약과학에 대한 인식도 조사 연구


Studies on the Perception on Clinical Pharmaceutical Care and Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences

장민정, 조은애, 노하연, 이장익

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: There exist some different perceptions on clinical pharmacy between Korean and western societies. Since the pharmacists who received the 6-year pharmacy education join the pharmacy profession soon, it appears imperative to know whether the western-style clinical pharmacy is adaptable to Korean-style pharmacy education and profession. Methods: The authors surveyed 54 professors in the membership directory of the Korean College of Clinical Pharmacy (KCCP) on their perceptions on clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacists, and their willingness for adapting clinical pharmaceutical care (CPC) and clinical pharmaceutical sciences (CPS) into clinical pharmacy education. The survey consists of 47 questions including dichotomized and Likert scale questionnaires in the areas of respondent demographics, clinical pharmacy, clinical pharmacists, CPC and CPS. Results: Of the 54 KCCP members surveyed, 29 completed the questionnaires in full and one in part. It appears that most KCCP members acknowledge the existence and importance of the two major fields of clinical pharmacy, CPC and CPS. Twenty-eight (96.6%) and seventeen members (68.0%) agreed to introduce CPC and CPS into the clinical pharmacy education in Korea, respectively. Seventeen (63.0%) answered CPC would be successfully adapted in Korea. Twenty (74.1%) agreed that it is desirable for clinical pharmacists to perform CPC and CPS simultaneously. Conclusion: Based on this survey, the authors suggest that pharmacyschools provide their students with the education opportunities on CPC to nurture clinical pharmacists through a master’s program and CPS to foster clinical pharmaceutical scientists through a Ph.D. program.


 연구 방법
  개념의 정의
  조사대상 및 자료수집
  자료 정리와 분석
 연구 결과
  설문응답자의 특성
  임상약학에 대한 응답
  임상약사에 대한 응답
  임상약료에 대한 응답
  임상약과학에 대한 응답
  임상약료의 도입
  임상약과학의 도입


  • 장민정 Min Jung Chang. 연세대학교 약학대학, 연세대학교 종합약학연구소
  • 조은애 Eunae Cho. 연세대학교 약학대학, 연세대학교 종합약학연구소
  • 노하연 Hayeon Noh. 연세대학교 약학대학, 연세대학교 종합약학연구소
  • 이장익 Jangik I. Lee. 연세대학교 약학대학, 연세대학교 종합약학연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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