

Study on Effect of Multifunction Wheeled Skidder on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Trail Soil



Based on lots of survey and testing, the effect of multifunction wheeled skidder on the physical and chemical properties of trail soil of artificial mixed broadleaf-conifer forest was analyzed quantitatively. The results show that the bulk density of soil increases, the property of keeping water of soil decline, the porosity of soil decreases; the value of soil PH and organic matter. For the nutrient elements, the quantity of nitrogen and potassium increase, and the quantity of phosphorus decrease. The effect of multifunction wheeled skidder on the physical and chemical properties of soil is small when compared to J-50 tractor. The results of study can be used for correctly selecting skidding operation, operation equipment, and reducing the effect of skidding operations on forest soil. At the last, based on the ecological harvesting operation, the corresponding technologies of reducing the damage of soil for timber skidding were put forward.


 1. Introduction
 2. Site Conditions
 3. Methods
  3.1. Soil Sampling
  3.2. Measurement of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties
 4. Results and Analysis
  4.1. Analysis of Soil Physical Prosperities
  4.2. Analysis of Soil Chemical Prosperities
 5. Conclusions and Suggestions


  • Wenshu Lin Key Laboratory of Forest Sustainable Management and Environmental Microorganism Engineering of Heilongjiang Province Northeast Forestry University Harbin, China
  • Deling Yang Key Laboratory of Forest Sustainable Management and Environmental Microorganism Engineering of Heilongjiang Province Northeast Forestry University Harbin, China
  • Jinzhuo Wu Key Laboratory of Forest Sustainable Management and Environmental Microorganism Engineering of Heilongjiang Province Northeast Forestry University Harbin, China
  • Lihai Wang Key Laboratory of Forest Sustainable Management and Environmental Microorganism Engineering of Heilongjiang Province Northeast Forestry University Harbin, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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