

Multispectral Image Reproduction via Color Appearance Mapping



To achieve the color consistent reproduction of multispectral images in the different viewing condition, a new method of multispectral image reproduction via color appearance mapping was proposed. Firstly, through the introduction of color appearance transformation, the color appearance description of the source spectral reflectance in the source viewing condition was obtained. Then by the construction of the inverse model, the high dimension spectra in the destination viewing condition were evaluated, which was color appearance matching but spectral mismatching with the source image. Finally, to improve the spectral precision of the reproduced spectra, the evaluated spectra were corrected by the method of metamerism correction based on the source spectra, and then the reproduced spectral image was obtained, which matched the source image in color appearance and in spectra when the reproduction viewing condition was different from the source. Experiments show that the perceptual color difference and the spectral error between the reproduced multi-spectral image and its original in the different viewing condition are small. The new method preserves the spectral information of the source multispectral image and achieves equal perceptual reproduction to the source image.


 1. Introduction
 2. Algorithm Framework
 3. Multi-Spectral Image Reproduction Via Color Appearance Mapping
  3.1. Chroma Transformation
  3.2. Color Appearance Mapping
  3.3. Chroma Inverse Transformation
 4. Experiments
 5. Conclusions


  • Ying Wang School of Computer Science & Technology, Xi’an Univ. of Posts & Telecommunications, Xi’an China
  • Sheping Zhai School of Computer Science & Technology, Xi’an Univ. of Posts & Telecommunications, Xi’an China
  • Zhongmin Wang School of Computer Science & Technology, Xi’an Univ. of Posts & Telecommunications, Xi’an China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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