

Subjective Logic Dynamic Model and its Application Research



In Jøsang's subjective logic, the consensus operator will have unreasonable results when the evidence with high conflict; the base rate (a) and non-informative prior weight (C) could not change dynamically. This paper proposed a dynamic subjective logic model that expand and rich the theory of Jøsang's subjective logic. Through the establishment of a cartesian coordinate system and using line / curve fitting algorithm to outline the dynamic track of the opinion, it can more intuitively observe the change and development tendency of the opinions in different observation periods. At the same time, according to different application environment, the dynamic function of the base rate (a) and non-informative prior weight (C) were given. The subjective logic was extended to five tuples and the consensus operator was improved. The new consensus operator not only met the commutative and associative but also was consistent with cognitive rules of the people. A strict mathematical proof was given. Finally, through the simulation experiments, the results show that the subjective logic improved more reasonable and effective. It could be better adapted to the changing environment.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Jøsang’s Subjective Logic
 4. The Expansion of Subjective Logic
  4.1. The Dynamic of the Base Rate a
  4.2. The Dynamic of the Non-informative Prior Weight C
  4.3. The Rectangular Coordinate System
  4.4. The improving Consensus Operator
 5. Example Analysis
 6. Simulation Experiments
 7. Conclusion


  • Tian Junfeng College of Mathematics & Computer Science, HeBei University, Baoding, China, 071002
  • Jiao Hongqiang School of Management, Hebei University, Baoding, China, 071002, Electronic and Information Engineering Experiment and Training Center, Handan College


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