Foreshadowing and Divination of Shunsui Ninjobon - Mainly on a foresight dream, fortune-telling, the Tsujiura -
Tamenaga Shunsui assumed a young woman as main readers on writing Ninjobon and seemed to be convinced when they had the characteristic that was easy to get tired of the act of reading. Syunsui devised various ideas to solve this problem. Foreshadowing can be mentioned as one of the method. How to use as a foreshadowing to let around the scene is one in which it was shared with Ninjobon other writers, such as Syoutei kinsui. Also, Shunsui had adopted the idea to use a foreshadowing techniques common to fiction of the time to achieve the resolution of the case illogical using the scene of a dream. Besides that, it had taken the idea to use the hint using the divination is depicted in the novel. It was also used as a hint to pick up the contents of the fortune to direct the idea. Then, it was used as a foreshadowing using Tsujiura as the lyrics of musical performance that has been used in order to adjust the emotion of the scene or depiction of the fashion at the time. Syunsui let the story that an assistant author wrote disintegrate intentionally and sustained the story by a foreshadowing. And therefore Syunsui did not cut down on the interest of the reader while many products did a full-length novel. It may be said that the trial of such a spring stream expresses the ability as the producer of Syunsui.
Ⅱ. 정몽(正夢)과 역몽(逆夢) 그리고 복선으로서의 꿈
Ⅲ. 슌스이의 복선- 점, 음곡(音曲), 광고-
Ⅳ. 맺음말