


근세전기 일본의 전쟁영웅상의창출과 변용의 사상적 배경연구 - 시민작가 사이카쿠의 내러티브를 중심으로 -


A study on the ideological backgrounds of creation and modification of Japanese war hero models in earlier modern times ― By focusing on the narrative of public writer Saikaku ―


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This contemplation focuses on the aspects of narratives surrounding Japanese war hero models in earliar modern times as an ideological backgrounds of creation and modification of the hero models. The narrative of Saikaku, the representative writer of ukiyozōshi, a janre of civil literature at that time, hardly exposed distored understandings of Korean peninsular to estrange it as the other nor to exclude it, a bias descened from the ancient times. It can be said as a value neutral recoginition on the other, which is innated in the citizenship of most citizens in Japanese cities like Osaka in modern times. Through narratives of Saikaku, it can be found that the possibility for good neighborhood with the East Asia was inherent at least until earlier modern times, and such aspects can be confirmed though Japanese myths and its war hero models depicted in his narratives. Based on the achievements and maturiy of Genroku era established in the peaceful systemic order, the value-netural recognition of Saikaku to the self and to the others, as a citizen writer who spoke for the view of the world of chōnins, the major class in major cities like Edo or Osaka, internalized timid citzens' curiosities and the populistic tendency complying with political system's power, created an war hero narratives in the earlier modern times.


本考察では、近世前期における日本の戦争英雄像創出と変容の思想的背景として、同時期 の戦争英雄像をめぐるナラティブの様相に注目した。市民的文芸ジャンルの一つであった 浮世草子の代表的作家西鶴のナラティブには、古代以降の流れである、朝鮮半島を他者化 あるいは捨象する他者認識が殆んど表出されない。近世における江戸や大阪などの大多数 の市民意識が内在する価値中立的な他者認識といえるであろう。西鶴のナラティブを通し てみる限り、少なくとも近世前期には東アジアの他国との民衆レベルでの善隣友好の可能 性が内在していたことがわかるが、これは彼のナラティブに表われる神話への認識と戦争 英雄像を通してその様相を確認することができる。近世の江戸や大阪など大都市の主階層 であった町人たちの世界観を代弁する市民作家西鶴の価値中立的な他者認識は、小心翼翼 とした市民的好奇心、体制権力に順応する大衆追隨の傾向などを内在しつつ、平和的な体 制秩序の中で創出された元禄時代の文芸的達成と成熟をもとにした近世前期における日本 の戦争英雄像の一端を作り出した。


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 일본의 전쟁영웅, 자타인식과 국학사상
  1. 일본신화와 민족주의의 연원
  2. 중근세기 전쟁영웅의 내러티브의 전개 
  3. 사이카쿠의 자타인식과 전쟁영웅
 Ⅲ. 근세전기 사이카쿠 소설에 등장하는 전쟁영웅과 신화
  1. 무가물에서 묘사된 노부나가
  2.『일본영대장(日本永代蔵)』에서의 노부나가 묘사
  3. 『호색일대남(好色一代男)』발문에서의 『고사기(古事記)』신화의 희화화
 Ⅳ. 나가며


  • 정형 단국대학교 일어일문학과 교수, 일본근세문학・일본문화론


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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