

『위대한 개츠비(The Great Gatsby)』 번역평가와 수용이론


Translation Evaluation of The Great Gatsby and Reception Theory

김가희, 박윤희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The 2013 film version of The Great Gatsby has drawn the attention ofmany moviegoers, at a time when the expiration of the famous novel'scopyright saw the marketplace flooded with various translated versions ofThe Great Gatsby. The heated competition that arose a result of thecopyright expiration has led to much controversy over the accuracy ofthe translated works. This study began on the basis of this background. This study has two main purposes: firstly, each translator who is areader of original book to translate may produce a different translatedtext with other translators. In order to explain academically thisphenomenon in translation, this paper will present reception theory, whichoriginated from the works of Romance-scholar Hans Robert Jauss andWolfgang Iser, a scholar of English literature, as grounds for explanation. Secondly, this paper will compare and analyze which translated text thereaders want to read by the questionnaire. To achieve these goals,reception theory, functional theories of translation, and a related studywill be closely examined. By applying this theory to translated texts, thispaper will consider the possibility of appling it to literary translation andresearch the pros and cons of it in comparison with functional theories oftranslation. The reponses to the survey are comprehensively analyzed invarious ways to discover readers' standards for translated books.


 I. 서론
 II. 수용이론 및 기능주의 번역 이론
  1. 수용이론
  2. 수용이론을 번역에 적용한 선행연구
  3. 기능주의 이론
  4. 기능주의 이론과 수용이론의 비교
 III. 번역 사례 비과 분석 및 설문 조사 연구의 분석 결과
  1. 작품 『위대한 개츠비(The Great Gatsby)』와  4인의 번역가
  2. 설문조사 연구
  3. 번역문 비교 분석 및 독자의 선택
  4. 논의
 IV. 결론


  • 김가희 Kim, Ga-Hee. 인천대학교
  • 박윤희 Park, Yoon-Hee. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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