

Performance assessment of a Solid Desiccant Based on Dehumidifier System Coupled with Air Conditioning System in a Tropical Climate



A comprehensive ventilation approach requires not only air exchange but also in many cases indoor humidity control. High humidity levels decrease occupant comfort and increase the likelihood of problems, such as mold growth. Occupants presently use air-conditioning systems or dehumidifiers in order to reduce the indoor moisture levels. These systems use large amounts of electricity and are expensive. Desiccant systems have shown several advantages, compared to conventional cooling and dehumidification systems. Therefore, their use is also spreading for restaurant and supermarket buildings, especially when the regeneration of the desiccant can be obtained by using available waste heat. When these systems are combined with vapor compression air conditioning systems, air -dry before entering the environment. In this paper Performance assessment of a Solid Desiccant Based on Dehumidifier System Coupled with Air Conditioning in a tropical climate Zone of IRAN have been evaluated. Results indicate that when the hybrid system is used, the efficiency increases 0.76 and energy consumption reduce 3.034kw.


 1. Introduction
 2. Test Facility
 3. Conventional Cooling Systems
 4. Hybrid Systems
 5. Conclusions


  • Alireza Zendehboudi Department Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad university, Science and Research Branch, Bushehr, IRAN
  • Ramin Hashemi School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, IRAN
  • Abbas zendehboudi Department Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad university, Science and Research Branch, Bushehr, IRAN


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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