

β-GaN Avalanche Transit Time Diode as a Potential Source at Millimeter Wave Window Frequency



A computer simulation study based on Drift-Diffusion model has been carried out to explore and analyze the DC and high frequency properties of Zinc-Blende (β-phase) Gallium Nitride based p+pnn+ DDR IMPATT. The simulation study based on bias current optimization is performed at Ka-band window frequency of 35 GHz. The results portray the strong potentiality of β-GaN IMPATT as a powerful millimetre wave source with maximum conversion efficiency of 15% at an optimum bias current density of 3.2×109A/m2. The design results presented in the paper will be very helpful in realization of these diodes for millimetre wave communication systems.


 1. Introduction
 2. Simulation Methodologies
 3. Results and Discussions
 4. Proposed Methodology for Fabrication of GaN Impatt Diode
 5. Conclusion


  • Soumen Banerjee Hooghly Engineering & Technology College West Bengal, India
  • Oishee Mandal Hooghly Engineering & Technology College West Bengal, India
  • Saswati Halder Hooghly Engineering & Technology College West Bengal, India
  • Debashree Bhowmik Hooghly Engineering & Technology College West Bengal, India
  • Arinima Saha Hooghly Engineering & Technology College West Bengal, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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