

Image Encryption using CAT Mapping and Chaos Approach



Image encryption algorithm usually features high iteration and low confidentiality since the key space of low-dimensional discrete chaotic encryption is small. In order to address these challenges when carrying out image encryption, this paper proposes an innovative method which uses Cat mapping to realize the image discretization. The proposed approach uses the periodic changes to achieve the encryption of images. Images with different sizes may use different cycles to encrypt. The experiments show that the encryption approach is able to fulfill the image encryption effectively through drawing the best parameters to achieve the best image encryption effect. The sensitivity analysis implies that, this method is capable of performing well on the image pixel scrambling and replacement. For encrypted security, this proposed method has strong sensitivity to the plaintext which may attribute to handle the plaintext attack under difference situations.


 1. Introduction
 2. Cat Mapping Approach
  2.1. Discreteness of Cat Mapping
  2.2. Cyclicity of Cat Mapping
 3. Experiments and Discussions
 4. Conclusions


  • Weihua Zhu Department of Computer Science, Xinyu College, Xinyu, Jiangxi, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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