

Study on Image Retargeting Methods in View of Importance-Map



This paper analyzes the characteristics of the state-of-the-art technologys with regard to content-aware image retargeting in detail, contrasts the merits and demerits between diverse technologys, and lists the performance and effect about each method. The primary processes of content-aware image retargeting are divided into two steps: first step is the recognition of image importance-map, which is generally generated by the combination of image gradient and visual significance, indicates that human eyes generates diverse sensitivity of watching different area in image; Current papers with respect to content-aware image retargeting primarily centers on the resizing method in the second step. In the light of the traits of different ways, this article subdivided the technologys into three categories: on account of seam-carving, image-deformation and multi-operator. At last, we give the final qualitative analysis about the three algorithms mentioned above.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Retargeting Method on Account of Seam-Carving
 3. The Image Resizing on Account of Deformation
 4. Multi-operator Retargeting
 5. The Qualitative Analysis and Comparison of Three Kinds of Resizing Techniques
 6. Conclusion


  • Zijuan Zhang School of Information Science and Technology, Northwest University Xi'an 710127, China
  • Baosheng Kang School of Information Science and Technology, Northwest University Xi'an 710127, China
  • Shunye Wang Department of Computer Science and Technology, Langfang Teachers University, Langfang 065000, China


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