

Defending Against sybil-attacks in Peer-to-Peer Networks



Peer-to-Peer networks have become a popular way for users to share files over the Internet.However, there has been a spurt of works showing that the existence of sybil attacks is a serious threat to Peer-to-Peer networks, where one or more attackers can forge a large number of fictitious identities. Implementing correct protocols to address sybil attacks is the key to improving the performance.In this paper, we present a novel systemto defend against Sybil attacks.Our direct and indirect transaction protocols limit the number of service units that a node can obtain.Furthermore, we design a dynamic reputation ranking algorithm for the indirect transaction protocol.Combining these two, a node with a high priority has more probability of obtaining service.Our system does not try to prevent users from creating multiple identities, but they cannot gain extra profit from doing so.It achieves a provable performance and overcomes the limitation of current social network-based defenses.Simulation results show that our system achieves a provable bound in terms of the number of service units obtained by sybil nodes while not sacrificing the performance of the file sharing application.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. System Model
 4. Sybil-Resilient Protocol
  4.1. Direct Transaction
  4.2. Indirect Transaction
  4.3. Priority
  4.4. Resistance to Sybil Attacks
 5. Dynamic Reputation Ranking Algorithm
 6. Evaluation
  6.1. Probability of Successful Transactions
  6.2. Capacity of Sybil Attacks
 7. Conclusions


  • Xu Xiang College of Information Engineering, China Jiliang University
  • Lu Huijuan College of Information Engineering, China Jiliang University
  • Chen Lianna College of Information Engineering, China Jiliang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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