

An Intelligent PSO-based Topology Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks




Topology control protocols try to decrease the average of node’s transition radius without decreasing network connectivity. In this paper, we propose a new Particle Swarm Optimization-based Topology Control protocol for wireless sensor networks called PSOTC. In this protocol, proper transition radius can be determined using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The proposed protocol dynamically adjusts transition radius of nodes (unlike previous protocols which should select radius values from among predefined values). Thus, the proposed protocol has some advantages compared to the previous protocols. PSOTC protocol has less average number of neighbors compared to the existing protocols. Also, the energy consumption in our protocol is less than other protocols and the network lifetime will be prolonged. In addition, the network connectivity in our protocol is in the acceptable level. The proposed protocol is simulated and the above advantages are demonstrated by the simulation results.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. The Network Model and the Assumptions
  3.1. Adjustable Transition Radius
  3.2. The cluster-based Architecture
  3.3 Energy consumption analysis
  3.4 The complete connectivity of the sensor network
 4. Proposed Protocol
  4.1 Step 1: Initializing Amin, AT and Amax sets for each node.
  4.2 Step 2: Calculating the lower bound and the upper bound of the transition radius for each node.
  4.3 Step 3: Evaluating the Personal Objective Function for the transition radius of each node, fP (RT^i ):
  4.4 Step 4: Initializing each node’s transition radius, RT^i, and also the velocity of its variations, vT^i, randomly.
  4.5 Step 5: Considering RT^i as the initial value for the best transition radius of node, RT-Pbest^i , and also RT as the initial values for the best transition radius of the sensor set, RT-Gbest .
  4.6. Step 6: Considering n-dimentional r1 and r2 vectors as the transition radius set, RT. Their value is a random number between [0,1].
  4.7. Step 7: Updating the nodes’ transition radius, RT^i, and also the velocity of the nodes’ transition radius variations, vT^i.
  4.8. Step 8: Evaluating the Global Objective Function value for the transition radius of the sensor set, fG (RT).
  4.9. Step 9: Updating the best transition radius for each node, RT-Pbest ^i , and the best transition radius of the sensor set, RT-Gbest .
  4.10. Step 10: Checking the loop termination criteria and jumping to step 6
 5. Simulation Results
  5.1. Simulation Environment
  5.2. Comparison with other protocols
  5.3. Observations
 6. Conclusions


  • Arash Nikdel Department of Computer Engineering, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk, Iran
  • Mahdi Mosleh Department of Computer Engineering, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk, Iran
  • Hagar Noori Department of Computer Engineering, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk, Iran


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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