

생활스포츠편 : 자연과학영역

초등학생들의 신체활동 강도별 수행시간과 심폐체력, 인지능력 및 스트레스 마커와의 관련성


Associated between in physical activity volume, cardiorepiratory fitness, cognitive function and stress markers in childhood

김성연, 윤종대, 김형룡, 이봉근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to suggest a physical activity volume and to investigate a utility stress bio markers. Study design used cross-sectional and subjects were participated by hundred-thirty male schoolchild and they were tested cardiorepiratory, nenrotrophines and physical activity volume during one week. Results as follow; first, there was statistically significantly high correlation between fairly physical activity volume and stress markers. Second, cognitive function was relation with IL-18 of stress markers. Third, to conducting more fairly physical activity of 200∼250min/day can improve cardiorepiratory fitness, cognitive function and stress degree. These meaning that physical activity intensity and volume are effect on stress marker(IL-18, cortisol), also it can be used basic data for developing diffuse stress.


Ⅰ. 서론
 1. 연구의 필요성
 II. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 연구설계
  3. 측정 도구 및 방법
  4. 자료처리
 III. 결과
  1. 신체활동 강도별 수행시간 및 스트레스마커와의 관련성
  2. 인지능력과 스트레스마커와의 관련성
  3. 초등학생 중강도 신체활동 수행시간의 백분위 3등급에 따른 심폐체력, 인지기
 IV. 논의
 V. 결론


  • 김성연 Kim Sung Yeon. 경운대학교
  • 윤종대 Yoon, Jong Dae. 경운대학교
  • 김형룡 Kim Hyung Ryong. 경운대학교
  • 이봉근 Lee Bong Keun. 경운대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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