Protocol for Preparation of Specimens and Characterization of KHSHR (Korean Herbarium of Standard Herbal Resources) at Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine : Centered on the Specimens of Plant Pressing, Liquid Immersion, and Herbal Products
Korean herbal medicines have been used for the most medicinal purpose including of treating diseases. To prepare and to manufacture plant specimens are the most basic work for studying about plant species because it shows the pattern of variation and representative flora. The purpose of this article is the preparation of specimen samples and standards to manage and archive as internal or external KHSHR (Korean Herbarium of Standard Herbal Resources) at Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM). In addition, this study introduced the features of each institution in Korea compared to the typical production process herbarium specimens for establishing standard infrastructure of herbarium at KIOM to share information and document in the sampling protocol of manufacture.
1. 한국한의학연구원(KIOM) 한약표준표본관(KHSHR)
2. 식물석엽표본 제작
3. 약재표본 제작
4. 액침표본 제작
감사의 글