

Information System impacts on Korean pig farm : productivity gain and its determinants



Korean pig farms face challenges from free trade environment. Many farms have adopted Information System to improve the productivity on the farm. This study applies statistical analysis to verify the productivity gain and its determinants by using information system on the pig farm. Using the farm level weekly data from the PigPlan from 2006 to 2012, we find productivity gain on the farm increases gradually after adoption of the IS on the farm. We also find time of IS usage, the size of farm, farrowing rate, and total piglet per litter link to the productivity gains.


 1. Introduction
 2. Korean Pig Sector
 3. Literature Review
 4. Date and Methods
  4.1. Data
  4.2. Decision tree Analysis
 5. Results
  5.1. Multi Regression Analysis
  5.2. Results of decision making tree analysis
  5.3. The Effects of Influence Factors
 6. Conclusion and Limitations


  • Ik Hoon Jang Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Seoul National University
  • Srinivas Nowduri Ph.D. Associative Professor and Chairman Department of Information Technology & Computer Science, American University of Afghanistan, Darul Aman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Sung Hee Park Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Seoul National University
  • So Hyun Kim Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Seoul National University
  • Young Chan Choe Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Seoul National University


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