

Android Based Translator of Balinese into Indonesian using Binary Search Method



Translator applications that are developed today are mostly doing the translation from national language of one country into national language of another country. This paper will discuss the translation system to perform a translation from Balinese into the target language which is Indonesian or Balinese in more specific levels. Balinese is one of the local language in the Republic of Indonesia. Balinese as an ancestral heritage should be preserved. Technology combined with the culture becomes an interesting thing to be developed. The system is built on mobile devices with the Android Operating System using Binary Search Method. Input are received by the system can be either the word or text in Balinese that would translate into the target language which selected by the user. The quality measurement of the system translation results shown the level of accuracy is 83.27%. This system was built to help people learning and understanding the local language especially Balinese more easily.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Binary Search Method
  2.2. Binary Search Method in SQLite
 3. System Overview
  3.1. System Architecture and Modules
  3.2. Use Case Diagram System
 4. Implementation and Analysis
  4.1. Implementation of Morphological Process in Web Server
  4.2. Process of Adding the Word Translation
  4.3. Implementation of Binary Search Methods on Translation Process
  4.4. System Trials
  4.3. System Analysis
 5. Conclusions


  • A.A. Kompiang Oka Sudana Department of Information Technology, Udayana University, Bali, 80119
  • I Ketut Adi Purnawan Department of Information Technology, Udayana University, Bali, 80119
  • Ni Made Riana Mahlia Dewi Department of Information Technology, Udayana University, Bali, 80119


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