

A Framework of Performance Measurement Monitoring of Cloud Service Infrastructure System for Service Activation



Cloud computing is a computing paradigm of providing IT resources, such as infrastrcture, platform and application, in the form of service by using internet technology. In recent, cloud platform service is being used to establish the platform ecosystem of ICT service industry and ensure application agility. In spite of these trends, the market is not being actively revitalized due to sudden service interruption, users’ concern for failure or lack of compatibility between cloud systems. This paper proposes a reliable cloud service for providing objective, quantitative and measureable performance results on cloud service. In particular, this paper will define the scope for measuring the system performance of VM for IaaS among various areas of cloud service, while focusing on the area of requirements to deduce performance measurement items.


 1. Introduction
 2. Requirements Analysis Scope
 3. Requirements Deduction Procedure
  3.1. Purpose of Using Cloud Infrastructure Service
  3.2. Cloud Infrastructure Service Status Research
  3.3. Status of IaaS Monitoring Service Provision
  3.4. IT Infrastructure System Performance Measurement Type
  3.5. Analysis of Server System Performance Measurement Metrics
 4 Cloud System Dynamic Monitoring Metric Components & Requirements
  4.1. VM system Dynamic Monitoring Metric Components
  4.2. Dynamic Monitoring System Function & Procedure
  4.3. Dynamic Monitoring System Design
  4.4. Expandability of Dynamic Monitoring System
 5. Conclusion


  • Hangoo Jeon Department of Management Engineering, Graduate School, Sangmyung University, Republic of Korea
  • Young-Gi Min Department of Convergence, Graduate School, Sangmyung University, Republic of Korea
  • Kwang-Kyu Seo Department of Management Engineering, Sangmyung University, Republic of Korea


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