UML-based Web Engineering (UWE) is a web engineering methodology which provides a systematic approach to development of web applications. It provides a UML extension, defining modeling elements considering the extension mechanisms that are offered by UML. Navigation model is presented as a very critical characteristic in all the hypermedia and web methodologies; also homepage one of the most important pages on the web sites, because it is the key to showing the quality of websites. The UWE navigation model defined as a new proposal meaning still now need it to improve, the problem is elements of the UWE navigation model until now cannot support modules of the homepage especially new modules as Tab, Flash News, Main Menu, Frame, Multi Data and Application Icons, meaning it has weaknesses, in this paper we enhance the UWE navigation model through defining six elements by using an extension mechanism to fully support homepage development.
1. Introduction
2. Background Work
3. Case Study and Analyses
4. Design Current UWE Navigation Model
4.1. Presenting Current UWE Model
4.2 Use Case Ddiagram for the Case Study
4.3. Content Model
4.4. Navigation Model
5. Enhance UWE Navigation Model
5.1. Current UWE
5.2. Extension UWE
5.3. New UWE
6. Redesign UTM Homepage by the New UWE
7. Comparison and Evaluation
8. Conclusion and Future Work