

A Framework of Cloud service Quality Evaluation System – Focusing on Security Quality Evaluation



Cloud service, a new internet business, is expected to lead the innovation of paradigm and continuously grow as a future growth engine, but various barriers are occurring that hinder the vitalization of the business such as security, cost, backup, performance and reliability related to the service adoption and usage. In the current circumstance where alleviating the market barriers in advance is desperately needed to adopt and spread cloud service, this paper proposes a framework of cloud service quality evaluation system that allows users to select cloud services with confidence. This paper focuses on security quality of cloud service quality evaluation system. Especially, the requirements of security quality for inspecting and monitoring the security vulnerabilities are defined and specialized in virtualization layer of cloud service infrastructure. The outcomes of this paper are expected to be used as guideline to develop the cloud service quality evaluation system. It also provides the cloud service quality evaluation procedures and tool development method.


 1. Introduction
 2. Cloud Service Quality Measurement Area
 3. Cloud Service Quality Evaluation Item
 4. Cloud Service Quality Evaluation System Framework – Focusing on Security Performance
 5. Conclusion


  • Byung Do Chung Department of Systems Management Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Hangoo Jeon Department of Management Engineering, Graduate School, Sangmyung University
  • Kwang-Kyu Seo Department of Management Engineering, Sangmyung University


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