

Doppler Effect Plug-in in Music Production and Engineering




Sound travels in acoustics. There are numerous audio effects and sound plug-ins in the digital music industry based on the principles of acoustics. In addition, sound is minute fluctuations in pressure. These fluctuations are rapid and are caused by pressure and velocity of the air. Pressure pushes air molecules which move, and therefore have velocity. Human hearing is capable of responding to fluctuations within the range of 20 fluctuations per second to 20,000 fluctuations per second. Standing waves are generated wherever waves are reflected towards oncoming waves. They are generated when two loudspeakers produce exactly the same sound. The waves pass through each other, but the interference nodes and antinodes seem motionless. The Doppler Effect is observed as a phenomenon in which the pitch of a sound drops as the sound source passes by the observer. The direction and relative speed of the source and observer are important. This paper describes the concept of Doppler Effect plug-ins and explains how they work and how they can be utilized in music production.


 1. Introduction
 2. Physics of Sound
  2.1. Equal Loudness Contour and Constructive/destructive Sound
  2.2. Sound Interference and Standing Waves
  2.3. Physics of Doppler Effect
  2.4. Digital Doppler Effect Plug-in
 3. Conclusion


  • Yoemun Yun Department of Applied Music, Chungwoon University San 29, Namjang-ri, Hongseong, Chungnam, 350-701, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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